Can Your Home Really Help You Live Longer?

This Trend Credits Wellness Homes With Increasing Longevity

Wellness Lifestyle Real Estate is expected to move in an upward direction with rising health consciousness and the growing wellness economy. Without a commonly recognized definition, the wellness terminologies used in real estate can be confusing to consumers, developers, and investors. For clarity, the Global Wellness Institute proposes the following definition: Wellness lifestyle real estate is defined as: homes that are proactively designed and built to support the holistic health of their residents. This trend credits wellness homes with increasing the longevity of their occupants.

You may be wondering, “Can my home be Green Certified?”

Yes, many typical Green and Sustainable certification bodies are now creating single-family home certifications. For example, LEED-certified homes are designed to provide clean indoor air, ample natural light and use safe building materials to ensure our comfort and good health. They help us reduce our energy and water consumption, thereby lowering utility bills each month, among other financial benefits.

According to the Canadian Green Building Council, the CaGBC has LEED-certified over 3000 homes across every part of Canada. This means your home’s value may significantly increase. Buyers that purchase a certified home, can be assured a higher quality home than the norm, and the property’s certification ensures there is a third-party verification of the work on the home – meaning it was carried out by qualified builders.

There are many financial incentives to improve the efficiency and wellness of your home. Here are just a few:

  • The NRCan “ENERGY STAR® rebates and incentives directory” contains ENERGY STAR rebates and incentives available in Canada and is available here.
  • LEED-certified homes can qualify for local utility rebates and homeowner insurance reductions through provincial insurance groups and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).  To find out more about the CMHC Green Homes program, please click here.

As we begin to suffer the effects of a changing climate, better performing and more resilient homes consume less and pollute less and help reduce human stress.

Wellness Lifestyle Real Estate is an industry that has the potential to meet today’s immense health challenges. It represents a shift that explicitly puts people’s wellness at the center of the conception, design, creation and redevelopment of our homes

Original Article Source Credits: Global Wellness Institute,

Article Written By: Trish Matthews

Filed In Articles
In the article: certified homes, holistic design

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